Academic pricing

Individual Users

If you are a student, faculty member, or staff member at an academic institution and you have been using TextWrangler as an individual, you are welcome to continue using BBEdit in Free Mode. This will continue to cost you nothing.

Download BBEdit here.

You are also welcome to purchase a single-user BBEdit license.

Academic institutions

If you work for an academic institution which has deployed TextWrangler in classrooms, labs, departments, or campus-wide, please contact us for information on how to migrate to BBEdit at no cost.

Read more about the transition from TextWrangler to BBEdit.

Multi-user licensing

Educational institutions requiring multiple seats of BBEdit for labs or other uses may purchase multi-user (site) licenses. Please contact our Sales Department for pricing and additional information.

Please feel free to contact our Sales Department with any further questions regarding product pricing or to receive a price quote.