BBEdit 14.6.5 Release Notes

BBEdit 14.6.5 contains fixes for reported issues.

BBEdit 14.6 was a feature update, which includes notable new features, visible changes to existing features, and fixes for reported issues.

For details on all the new features and enhancements available in BBEdit 14, please take a few moments to browse the release notes archive and review the release notes for any versions that you may not have seen.

To get a high-level overview of what's new in BBEdit 14, with screen shots, see the What's New in BBEdit 14 page.

For detailed information on using any of BBEdit's features, please refer to the user manual (choose "User Manual" from BBEdit's Help menu).

Important: Please make sure that you have read the BBEdit 14.0 change notes, as there are significant changes from previous versions.


BBEdit 14.6 requires Mac OS X 10.15.4 or later, and is compatible with macOS 11.0 and later. (Please see our OS compatibility guide for complete details.)

If you are using macOS 10.15 "Catalina", please make sure that you have updated to the latest available OS version (10.15.7).

If you are using macOS 11 "Big Sur", please make sure that you have updated to the latest available OS version (11.7 or later).

If you are using macOS 12 "Monterey", please make sure that you have updated to the latest available OS version (12.6 or later).

If you are using macOS 13 "Ventura", please make sure that you have updated to the latest available OS version (13.2 or later).


If you have been using any previous (13.x or older) version of BBEdit in Free Mode, starting BBEdit 14 will reset your 30-day evaluation period, so that you can have a full trial of the new features.

If you have previously purchased a license from us for BBEdit 13 or older, you will have a full 30-day evaluation period in which to try out BBEdit 14's new features. License upgrades are available at a discount for existing customers. Please see the BBEdit upgrades page for information and instructions.

Additions & Changes

This update contains only fixes for reported issues.


  • Fixed bug in which the "Enter Full Screen" command would appear twice at the end of the View menu.

  • Worked around misbehavior of rust-analyzer when generating completions in some situations by advertising (and implementing) LSP insertReplaceSupport.

  • Fixed regression in which XML documents were inappropriately treated as HTML5, which (among other things) would cause odd folding behavior.

  • Added a mechanism for resolving conflicting Spaces behavior.

    The default behavior works around a misfeature in the OS which causes the macOS application switch to select an inappropriate Space when activating the application while the Find window is open; but creates a situation in which choosing "Find" (or Cmd-F, by default) or "Multi-File Search" (Cmd-Shift-F, by default) will activate the Space containing the Find/MFS window if it is already open. To work around that issue and have the windows move to the active Space instead, use the following Terminal command:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit MoveModelessWindowsToActiveSpace -bool YES

  • Fixed bug in which the recent items menu (at the bottom of the sidebar) in Notebook windows did not show the correct names of the items.

  • Fixed bug in which pattern errors were not correctly reported in codeless language modules.

  • Fixed bug in which files which were locked due to a Finder lock would lose their locked-ness if the underlying server volume was unmounted.

  • Worked around macOS file system API behavior which would cause Finder tags not to be shown for files on remote server volumes and (evidently) some direct-attached external volumes.

  • Fixed bug in which soft-wrapping width calculations were incorrect when printing with line numbers shown for documents with a small total number of lines.

  • Fixed bug in which the "Save Clipping" and "Save Selection as Clipping" commands allowed "/" in the clipping or set name, which resulted in an error when trying to create the set/clipping.

  • Fixed bug in which switching from a color scheme which was missing some color settings (resulting in the use of the "Plain text" color from the scheme) to a color scheme which had those settings, and back to the first scheme, would result in the second scheme's settings persisting inappropriately.

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