BBEdit 11 is here!
What's new in BBEdit 11?
Lots. Here's a summary of the high points, but we encourage you to read the complete change notes.
- Improved syntax coloring - The internal syntax coloring mechanics have been extensively reworked, allowing for a much greater selection of core color types, and now allowing language modules to add their own color types. Support for color schemes has been expanded, and several factory color schemes are included.

(click the image above to see it full size in a new browser tab)
- Git support - BBEdit now has built-in support for Git, to make many common operations available without having to switch applications.

- New Clippings system mechanics - The Clippings system (used for creating, managing, and applying frequently used "snippets" of text) is now even more powerful and flexible. Any clipping set can be made available universally or on a per-language basis (for any desired set of languages). The Clippings palette, text completion system, and the "Insert Clipping" command have been extended to support this additional flexibility.

(click the image above to see it full size in a new browser tab)
- New UI for Find Differences - The "Find Differences" dialog box has been modernized, and folder comparisons are faster than ever, thanks to a rewritten and newly performance-tuned comparison engine. The most significant changes are in the results interface, however: an all-new single window presentation is much easier to use for folder comparisons, is easier to manage, and (for folder comparisons) provides the ability to copy files as needed from one folder to another.

(click the image above to see it full size in a new browser tab)
- Text Extraction - This powerful addition to BBEdit's legendary searching capabilities allows you to locate and collect search results into a single text document. Extraction can be run on the active text document, or across multiple files and folders.

(click the image above to see it full size in a new browser tab)
Numerous Editing Enhancements - Many subtle but highly productive editing features have been added, including (but by no means limited to):
automatic highlighting of matching text (for a selection, or the word surrounding the insertion point)
"Move Line Up", "Move Line Down", and "Delete Line" for easy manipulation of the line containing the current selection (or multiple selected lines)
"New Line Before" and "New Line After" commands for even easier composition
Extensive Internal Modernization - Dialog boxes, floating palettes, and many internal subsystems have been rewritten or updated to support new features, improve performance, add refinement, and make future enhancements possible.
In all, BBEdit 11 contains over two hundred additions, changes, and refinements. The detailed change notes contain complete information on what is new and changed in this version.