What's in Your Yojimbo?
Yojimbo is so incredibly flexible, everyone will have different information in Yojimbo. Here are some examples of the things you could store:
- URLs for time-shifted browsing
- Text notes
- Server account passwords
- Email clippings from client communications
- Comics, icons, desktop pictures, and other non-photo images
- Web links to staging servers and other online resources
- Receipts
- Basic instructions
- Ad-hoc documentation, hardware configuration notes, how-tos, etc.
- Boiler-plate text
- checklists
- Quotes, jokes, interesting but hard to classify snippets
- Home inventory
- Questionable Content
- Project research
- Kids’ and spouse’s social security numbers
- Credit card numbers, plus the security code — encrypted, of course
- Wish lists
- …anything you like!

Patrick says: “Every digital junk drawer needs a good dog pic.”