BBEdit 15.1.2 Release Notes

BBEdit 15.1.2 contains fixes for reported issues.

For details on all the new features and enhancements available in BBEdit 15, please see the release notes for BBEdit 15.0.

Because BBEdit 15 builds on features that were added during the BBEdit 14 cycle (as well as previous versions), please take a few moments to browse the release notes archive and review the release notes for any versions that you may not have seen.

To get a high-level overview of what's new in BBEdit 15, with screen shots, see the What's New in BBEdit 15 page.

For detailed information on using any of BBEdit's features, please refer to the user manual (choose "User Manual" from BBEdit's Help menu).

Important: Please make sure that you have read the BBEdit 15.0 change notes, as there are significant changes from previous versions.


BBEdit 15 requires Mac OS X 11.0 or later.

For whichever version of macOS you are using, please make sure that you have updated to the latest available OS version.

This is particularly important in the case of macOS Sonoma (14.x), which contains bugs and regressions that affect BBEdit's operation.


If you have been using any previous generation of BBEdit in Free Mode, starting BBEdit 15 will reset your 30-day evaluation period, so that you can have a full trial of the new features.

If you have previously purchased a license from us for BBEdit 14 or older, you will have a full 30-day evaluation period in which to try out BBEdit 15's new features. License upgrades are available at a discount for existing customers, and some customers may be eligible for a free upgrade (based on date of purchase). Please see the BBEdit upgrades page for information and instructions.


This update contains only fixes for reported issues.

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  • Fixed a bug in which autorecovery didn't work as intended in some limited situations where the document was already open (as could happen with state restoration).

  • Added .swiftinterface as a default filename extension for Swift.

  • Added any and some to the Swift keyword list.

  • Fixed bug in which turning on the Editor_AlwaysOpenQuickFind expert preference would inappropriately also make the sidebar visible.

  • Fixed internal exception which would occur when trying to open a project or notebook, and the file system permissions didn't permit access.

  • Made a change to the HTML guesser so that excessively large files aren't eligible for guesswork. (If it opens as plain text, give it an appropriate filename extension, or manually change the language setting in the status bar.)

  • Added missing sub selector to the CSS syntax coloring.

  • Fixed regression in which dragging an image into an untitled HTML document would not insert anything.

  • Updated the built-in PCRE2 library, which includes corrections to \b, \w, and friends when matching Unicode.

  • Fixed bug in which programmatic window move/resize (such as setting the bounds property using AppleScript) would result in drawing glitches in cases where the operation moved the window to another screen as well as changing its shape.

  • Corrected the default source format profile entry for <span> so that it formats as an inline element, as intended.

  • Fixed bug in which using the Option key to bypass the "Process Lines Containing" dialog box did not correctly preserve the "do not contain" setting, if it had been previously turned on.

  • Fixed bug in which completion symbols with backslashes in their names would display with line breaks and other inappropriate characters in situations where the backslash was followed by something like "r" or "n".

  • Fixed clipping of below-baseline characters in some fonts with oddball metrics (such as underscores in Courier New 11).

  • Fixed bug in which selecting an SVG file in a Zip or tarball browser would not display its contents.

  • The "Go to Line" panels will now disregard commas and periods in entered line numbers, because that's apparently a thing.

  • Adjusted the Entities floater so that the list is unable to scroll horizontally, which prevents it from twitching when a horizontal-scroll gesture occurs while the mouse is over the list.

  • Made layout adjustments to the Entities floater so as to avoid column title truncation when highlighting different sort orders.

  • Fixed bug in which attempting to change editing options for a soft-wrapped document would fail in cases where the document also had a rectangular selection.

  • Made a change to allow processing of bidirectional text during layout and drawing, which corrects rendering behavior with right-to-left text.

  • Fixed bug in which double-clicking on an inline fold indicator would not expand the fold in cases where the indicator was within the selection range.

  • Fixed a concurrency bug which would (rarely, and sporadically) cause a crash during startup.

  • Fixed bug in which line comments immediately after an unqualified JavaScript function's signature would cause the function scanner to omit that function from the menu.

  • Fixed bug in which per-document print settings were not correctly loaded from saved document state across invocations of the print panel, when running on recent macOS versions.

  • Fixed bug in which the active document would be marked as changed during a multi-file replace or Text Factory operation, in cases where the actual document being changed was open in the same window (but not active).

  • Fixed bug in which creating a project collection by right-clicking on the top-level project item and choosing "New Collection" from the contextual menu would create the collection at the wrong level (and fail to retain it in the project).

  • Fixed bug in which line comments immediately after an unqualified JavaScript function's signature would cause the function scanner to omit that function from the menu.

  • Fixed bug in which per-document print settings were not correctly loaded from saved document state across invocations of the print panel, when running on recent macOS versions.

  • Corrected enabling of items on the View menu which correspond to usable contextual menu commands in the sidebar (when it has keyboard focus).

  • Fixed bug in which sync scrolling in Differences windows didn't sync scroll when the application was in the background.

  • Changes to certain site deployment settings will reset the upload state, so that subsequent deployment properly redeploys all of the files.

  • Made a change so that the FTP client code will always unconditionally log errors. As before, extended logging can be turned on using FTPEnableLogging, but this should be done only on the advice of Tech Support.

  • Made a change to improve the accuracy of identical-file detection when performing folder comparisons, in cases where the "[Ignore] All [Spaces]" option was turned on and the files differed only in white space.

  • Worked around bug in macOS 14 Stage Manager, whose primary manifestation was causing "Go to Line" to do its operation in the window behind the active document's window.

  • Change the project window display to "No Editor" if a non-displayable file is selected in the Project section of the sidebar.

  • Fixed a logic error which led to mismanagement of file filter settings in the Multi-File Search and Find Differences windows.

  • Disable scrolling acceleration modifiers when using menu key equivalents for the text view scrolling commands, in case one of them contains an acceleration modifier (Command or Option).

  • Made a change to nominally improve word counting performance with a rectangular selection spanning a large number of lines.

  • Made a change to significantly improve performance and reduce memory consumption when counting words in very large rectangular selections.

  • Made a change to slightly improve text measuring performance (for selection calculations and other purposes).

  • Corrected the display title of the "always show the live search bar" expert preference.

  • Fixed bug in which multiple untitled documents with the same name would erroneously add a "/" path qualifier to the displayed name.

  • Made a change so that the application quits when asked to by the Shortcuts "quit app" operation.

  • Worked around macOS API bug which caused mishandling of FTP listings which contained UTF-8 file names.

  • Worked around OpenAI breaking API change which caused an error when attempting to save an AI worksheet (and which also prevented autosaving from working for AI worksheets).

    NB: This involved making a non-backward-compatible change to the on-disk representation. 15.1.2 and later can read old AI worksheet files, but 15.1.1 and earlier will not be able to read worksheet files created by 15.1.2 and later.

  • Made a correctness change regarding the handling of data-load tasks associated with a live preview window.

  • Fixed bug in which attempting to create a new project would fail (reporting "you don't have permission") in App Store builds when sandbox access had not been granted.

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